Fancy Email Notifications

Ok, so this time I wanted to spruce up the email notifications that I send out from my workflows without adding a ton of work to each one of them to build the HTML email.

The template i chose for my emails was something i found online, I don’t remember where it was so you’ll want to use your own to make sure there are no copyright issues.

The first step is to create the email template. Start with your template and replace the different pieces of text with placeholders that will be unique, i just went with “@@@BODY@@@”, etc.

Then you want to add it as a resource object in vCO by importing the file.

Once we have the email template in vCO, all we need to do is to get the resource and do some serch and replace action on the text.

The only tricky piece here is that you first load the resource category object and then you can loop over the objects within it. You could easily extend this to handle multiple templates by passing that in to the action as well.

To use the action in a workflow you add the action, pass in the information that you want added to the email and save the output value to a variable. Pass that value to the send notification workflow and you are done.

Download the workflow here.

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